Filière Vigne et Produits de la Vigne
Wine and Wine Products Group Publications

Wine and Wine Products Group Publications


  • Identifying the boundaries of the sensory space of red Bordeaux wines using an innovative machine learning approach. Application to the identification of new varieties adapted to climate change., OENO One 58(3),
  • Large Gradient of susceptiblity to esca disease revealed by long-term monitoring of 46 grapevine cultivars in a common garden vineyard.
  • Prospective participative et stratégie nationale.
    • Brugière F, Aigrain P, Bois B, Duchêne E, Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri I, Gautier J, Giraud-Heraud E, Hannin H, Touzard JM, Ollat N, 2024. Editions Quae,


  • Sodium arsenite-induced changes in the wood of Esca-diseased grapevine at cytological and metabolomic levels
    • Trouvelot S, Lemaître Guillier C, Vallet J, Jacquens L, Douillet A, Harir M, Larignon P, Roullier-Gall C, Schhmitt-Kopplin P, Adrian M, Fontaine F, 2023. Sodium arsenite-induced changes in the wood of Esca-diseased grapevin at cytological and metabolomic levels. Front. Plant Sci., 14. Doil 10.3389/fpls.2023.1141700.



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