Filière Vigne et Produits de la Vigne
Vine and Vine Products Group

Vine and Vine Products Group

In France, the vine occupies a total surface of 750 000 hectares ( 1 853 250 acres). Two different productions are present on the French territory with the largest surface dedicated to wine grapes and the rest being for table grapes.

Today, a little more than 5000 hectares ( 112 355 acres) are planted for table grapes producing nearly 46 000 tons of grapes for eating grapes (Source : Chambers of Agriculture). The remaining vine surface is used for producing wines and wine spirits. In 2019, France produced 42 million HL of wine, that is 17% of world production (sources : CNIV). Wine grapes were produced by 85 000 agricultural exploitations (1/5th of French agricultural exploitations), and 57% of these volumes produced were vinified by private cellars. The 43% remaining were vinified by 1 500 wine merchants and cooperatives. Finally, the viticulture sector generates 150 000 direct and indirect jobs (Source : FranceAgriMer). The Wine and Wine Product group is an interdisciplinary group involving scientists from INRAE. Its aim is to monitor the sector and its actors and the advancement of research in the field, at INRAE, in France and beyond.

The main actions of the group are the following:

  1. Monitoring of research in the viti-viniculture field (priorities, research highlights), in association with the climate and economic contexts,
  2. To respond to inquiries of the Institute concerning the preoccupations of society, together with all INRAE Industry Groups. For example, the latest collective work was focused on "Agroecology and Markets: is there room for Agroecology ? " ("Agroécologie et Marché : existe-t-il aujourd’hui une place pour l’Agroécologie ? »).  Magrini M.-B., Alaphilippe A., Bertagnoli S., Cadoré J.-L., Caillat H., Carlin F., Cressent M., Debaeke P., Delaby L., Duclos M. ... This P. et al. (2023-04-13). Review of the Agroecology(AE) & Market Project. Presented at: Final Seminar for the « Agroecology and Markets» of INRAE's Industry Groups, Paris, France (2023-04-13 - 2023-04-13),
  3. Participate in meetings with professional partners, organized by INRAE or its partners,
  4. Provide expert advice on various occasions


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Modification date: 05 August 2024 | Publication date: 24 July 2023 | By: INRAE DS Agriculture