Analyse des pertes dans les filières
Analysis of loss in the sectors (2014/2015)

2014/2015 - Analysis of loss in the sectors

Quantifying agriculture and food losses within the different agriculture sectors from harvest to distribution, by analyzing the specificities and proposing technical, organizational and regulatory levers of action: INRAE's Industry & Research groups were in charge of leading this study, coordinated by Barbara Redlingshöfer (INRAE).

These studies led in 2014/2015 led to a Carrefour on Agronomic Innovations on November 26, 2015 and a series of articles published in the journal, Innovations Agronomiques.

The sectors analyzed are the following: Cereals, Oilseeds, Protein plants, Fruits, Vegetables and Potatoes, Porcine Sector, Dairy Sector, Aviculture, Eggs, Sheep and Goat Meat.

>To take a look at the contribution per sector: revue Innovations Agronomiques  volume 48, Decembre 2015

You will also find other articles on this subject, notably the method used (B. Redingshöfer) along with a cross-cutting analysis per sector (B. Redingshöfer, B. Coudurier, M. Georget).

>To access the videos from the Carrefour for Agronomic Innovations of November 26, 2015:

>The data and analyses used in this study by the Industry & Research Groups of INRAE were trasmitted to a European working group called « Fusions » ». The fnal report of this European project was published in March 2016 (download the pdf).

>A final publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production "Analysis of loss in the sectors" :
