Groupes Filière Avicole
Poultry Group

Poultry Group

Poultry production is marked by a steady rise on the world level. Poultry meat is the first meat producer in the world with 130 million tons. The egg represents a world volume of 64 million tons. France has recently begun importing part of its egg consumption and 50% of its meat consumption while remaining the 3rd European producer.

The poultry sector is organized around 3 interprofessional organizations: ANVOL for broilers, CNPO for egg production and CIPOG for foie gras palmipeds. The species include the chicken, turkey, duck and guinea fowl. They all have diverse poultry production systems, from organic to conventionnal.

Avian influenza is the main economic issue for these sectors. As a result, vaccination is being considered as an alternative to the total eradication of contaminated farms. Animal welfare, the second issue, concerns the consumers' demand for more animal-friendly farming systems. Sexing and other emerging societal issues are of concern to the industry.

Research focuses on issues such as production efficiency with a low carbon footprint, and the use of local raw materials and co-products for a circular production economy. In-depth work is being carried out on physiology, pathology and genetics, as well as the creation of multi-criteria assessment tools combining performance, environmental impact, product quality, animal welfare and health.

The poultry group, which is multidisciplinary, includes INRAE scientists from several Divisions (MICA, SA, PHASE, GA and ACT), members of ITAVI and ANSES and professionals from the production sector. In addition to taking part in discussions on a range of topical issues, the group works closely with the industry to identify areas for collaborative research and development.

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