Groupes Filières Cunicole INRAE
Cuniculture Group Publications

Cuniculture Group Publications




  • Effect of access to outdoor grazing and stocking density on space and pasture use, behaviour, reactivity, and growth traits of weaned rabbits
  • Retrospective studies on rabbit haemorrhagic disease outbreaks caused by RHDV GI.2 virus on farms in France from 2013 to 2018


  • Inclusive inheritance for resideual feed intake in pigs and rabbits
  • Genetic parameters of resistance to pasteurellosis using novel response traits in rabbits


  • Contribution à l'expertise multifilière "Diversité des agricultures"
  • "Genetic Parameters for Resistance to Non-specific Diseases and Production Traits Measured in Challenging and Selection Environments; Application to a Rabbit Case"


Livre, Le lapin, 2015 par T Gidenne
  • Publication du livre "Le lapin : de la biologie à l'élevage"
    • Gidenne T., 2015. "Le lapin : de la biologie à l'élevage". Editions QUAE, 2015. This book, in French is downloadable as an epub format free of charge from the editor's web site: Quae.



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